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Canto Gas Tracker

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Gas Tracker

Historical Average Gas Price

This API Endpoint, Historical Gas Fee By Day, retrieves historical daily average maximum gas fees for a given network. The endpoint accepts two parameters: 'dates' and 'network'. The 'dates' parameter is a date-range that specifies the start and end dates for data retrieval, in ISO-8601 format. The 'network' parameter is a query type, indicating the desired blockchain network for which the information is needed. The output of this query includes the dates and corresponding average maximum gas fees (in ethereum, ETH) for each day within the specified range. The output data is visualized through a chart that plots the historical average gas fees against corresponding dates, representation helps in a comparative analysis over the time frame for gas consumption on the chosen network.

Average Gas Price By Hour

This API endpoint, Historical Gas Fee By Hour, retrieves the average maximum gas fee on a block explorer for every hour within a specified date range. Two parameters are required for this query. The 'dates' parameter, which is a range of datetime with seconds, and the 'network' parameter, a query that signifies the network the block resides in. The API then conducts an SQL operation on these parameters, converting the date range into Unix timestamps and using the network specified to filter the required transactions. The outcome of this query provides a table with each row representing an hour of a date within the range, and the average maximum gas fee for that hour. This data output is further visualised in a chart - 'Average Gas Fee By Hour', aiding the understanding of gas fee trends across each hour in the specified date range.

Most Gas Spenders

This API Endpoint, referred to as "Most Gas Spenders," retrieves the top 50 addresses in terms of total gas used from a specified network within a set date range. Two parameters are required for this endpoint. The first parameter, "dates," should be a date-range indicating the exact timespan for fetching the data. The second parameter, "network," is a query param for specifying the network from which the transactions are fetched. The endpoint utilizes these parameters to perform SQL queries on the transactions database, generating a resulting dataset displaying the 'from_address' and its corresponding amount of 'total_gas_used.' The result is sorted in descending order by 'total_gas_used.' Visualizations rendered from this API Endpoint include a Chart titled "Most Gas Spenders Distribution," displaying how gas expenditure is distributed among the top addresses. The Table output is ignored in the documentation as per the rules.
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Most Gas Spenders Distribution

This API Endpoint, referred to as "Most Gas Spenders," retrieves the top 50 addresses in terms of total gas used from a specified network within a set date range. Two parameters are required for this endpoint. The first parameter, "dates," should be a date-range indicating the exact timespan for fetching the data. The second parameter, "network," is a query param for specifying the network from which the transactions are fetched. The endpoint utilizes these parameters to perform SQL queries on the transactions database, generating a resulting dataset displaying the 'from_address' and its corresponding amount of 'total_gas_used.' The result is sorted in descending order by 'total_gas_used.' Visualizations rendered from this API Endpoint include a Chart titled "Most Gas Spenders Distribution," displaying how gas expenditure is distributed among the top addresses. The Table output is ignored in the documentation as per the rules.